Daily Aquarius Horoscope August 24 (24/08)
Jan 20 − Feb 18
Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer
August 24
daily aquarius horoscope:
daily aquarius horoscope:
Star 7/10
Balance might need to be found between focusing effort and attention on a relationship and maintaining connections on the social scene or with others in a group environment. Its not impossible to enjoy the best of both worlds if you invest necessary effort to get the balance right. Its also possible more synergy exists between the two than you see presently. A relationship and your circle of friends neednt be mutually exclusive.
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Enthusiasm sells and if you sense someone is being a bit slow on the uptake where recognizing your talents or abilities is concerned, then you might need to make some effort to remind them. Thats where enthusiasm comes in, however, through feeling youre reiterating what someone should already be aware of, you could struggle to sound as enthusiastic as you ought to be. Combine passion with eagerness, and you cant fail to have someone eating out of your hand.
Read more...Star 10/10
This week, it could become clear a certain challenge needs rising to, and its possible this is connected to your relationship with a certain person or organization. Its your commitment to them or it that will come under scrutiny this week, and it will be clear what is changing with regard to that and what needs to continue to change. However, youre being blessed with fantastic levels of proactivity and creativity to instigate this long-overdue change. Things might never be the same again but for all the right reasons.
Read more...Star 8/10
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th occurs in your sign and could intensify certain emotions, causing you to feel confused about how and why youre reacting to situations in ways you are. The Eclipse could also highlight what or who needs releasing from your world. What or who youve outgrown could become clear and taking a bold step to move on could be difficult but necessary. With a New Moon Solar Eclipse highlighting relationships and commitments, a new and delightful chapter awaits where your connection with a certain person is concerned.
Read more...Star 7/10
Creating a balance in your emotional life right now will be a priority. To help you do this, concentrate on what you eat. There must be a minimum of processed sugar in your diet if you are to feel your true emotions without the fluctuation caused by artificial preservatives. Make an effort to eliminate one dietary habit that doesn\t help your emotional balance. Soda pop is definitely one of those things. Candy of course is another. Notice the little things that damage your diet.
Read more...Star 9/10
With the current celestial energy, you will be learning the lesson of \"compromise.\" It\s not all about getting what you want - it\s about getting what you need (to paraphrase a British rock star). You don\t have to learn the hard way if you don\t want to. The path to enlightenment begins with the body, and if you commit yourself to your body\s health, you will learn what you truly need in spiritual ways as well.
Read more...Star 9/10
Over are the delays you\ve experienced in getting results of hospital tests or healing from an illness. Everything will now improve, including your progress. You might need to lighten your schedule anyway. Aspects in your career zone could prove both stressful and promising at the same time. Find a way to relax.
Read more...Star 9/10
The presence of delectable Venus in your wellness zone over the weeks ahead may not bode well for your diet, but it doesnt have to be that way. If you find yourself eating or drinking too much or seeking other distractions, it could be because youre avoiding deep-seated feelings. There may be a shift if you can be honest with yourself about aspects of your life that may not be working out as well as youd hoped. Going on a diet or subjecting yourself to strenuous exercise are all good, but even better would be to resolve those deep-seated feelings.
Read more...Star 8/10
Don\t make a big issue out of something that really is not such a big a deal. You can try and get to the bottom of the problem by using a little determination and good humor. Today\s planetary configuration indicates that there is a chance your imagination will run away with you when dealing with partners, so just be aware of what you really are saying or doing.
Read more...Star 9/10
You can use the power of words today to make quite a difference to your romantic life. If you need to make any changes, then the energy of the day\s planetary configuration will help you do this. Where you are coming from is an important issue, and you may be causing disappointment. If you can share with each other on an equal basis, this would be better.
Read more...Star 7/10
You can learn a lot by meeting new people at the beginning of the week. Every person you encounter wont turn into a lover, but if they arent right for you, you can play matchmaker for your friends. You dont enjoy being around crowds later in the week, so arrange to meet a date someplace quiet and comfortable. If you spend the weekend dateless, thats actually fine with you.
Read more...Star 9/10
On August 7, the Full Moon is in your sign and your dating life is in a comfortable, platonic space. You arent exactly stuck in the friend zone, but right now youre more interested in having fun and being goofy than impressing anyone in a romantic sense. A Sun-Saturn trine on August 13 could cause some heated moments, but only if youre willing to make them happen. This isnt a passive aspect, so a laid-back, casual dating style wont be rewarded. Take advantage of some very intense moments during the much-anticipated Solar Eclipse-Leo New Moon on August 21. Some things only happen once in a very great while.
Read more...Star 8/10
Your grounded, practical thinking knows better than to be conned by someone who is all talk and no action. Be careful of someone who is acting rather selfishly. This person is not on your side even though he or she may want you to think so.
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Just because your mood isn\t as strong as you would like it to be doesn\t mean that you should back down and let someone else take the lead on something that you know you are more qualified for. Continue your strong leadership role.
Read more...Star 9/10
You may be hurt by someone\s real or imagined disloyalty. Talk about your feelings to clear the air. Some longstanding situations can be uncomfortable this week. Remember that everyone is feeling some extra stress right now. Thursday is fortunate for any business or career decision. Your opinion is valued. Give advice and assistance when asked. This can lead to new opportunities later. Your generosity will be remembered. Do your best to finish what you start this week.
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Youll be able to leave a role that no longer suits you in early August. Be ready to walk away from an unrewarding job around August 7. Once youre free of this obligation, youll be able to pursue a more rewarding career opportunity that involves lots of travel. Entering a business partnership on August 21 is strongly advised. While your associate handles public relations and sales, youll be able to concentrate on organizational matters. This will be a match made in heaven. Dont worry about dealing with someone who seems to be your complete opposite. These differences will work to your advantage.
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